vaginal discharge | Normal or not ?

From the first period until the transition is every woman's vaginal secretions. This is a natural part of the cleaning mechanism of the body. You do therefore only have to worry if something changes in the quantity, color or smell of the discharge.


The vagina, or sheath, is a flat tube in which the walls are usually abut against each other. The vagina is about ten inches long and runs obliquely backward, toward the sacrum. And extends from the vulva, the vulva part, up to the cervix.


Coated with a layer

The vagina has no glandular tissue. The liquid that is present in the vagina, it seeps through the vaginal walls. The walls are covered with a whitish coating. This consists mainly of flaked vaginal cells, and bacteria which occur naturally in the vagina. The main inhabitants are called lactobacilli, which ensure that the environment in the vagina remains acid.



Not everyone has the same amount of discharge from the vagina. Normally, the separation liquid, transparent and whitish. When drying is usually a bit yellow. The separation smells often some acid, but can also be odorless.


The amount and color of vaginal secretions vary throughout the menstrual cycle. Around ovulation production usually increases and the liquid is clear and what slimier.

Also right before menstruation have more secretions, which are quite white in color. Sexual arousal provides extra moisture. Also during pregnancy may increase the amount of secretion, due to the changing hormones. The transition affects both the vagina, which is after the transition a bit dryer, and in the urinary tract. As a result, you are more susceptible to cystitis.


vaginal problems

A normal amount of discharge is not to give. Do you suddenly much more or much less discharge than normal? Or change the color or smell bad? Then you need to visit a doctor. You would then have a vaginal yeast infection or could have.


These vaginal symptoms are nothing to be ashamed of. Almost every woman has at least once in her life with vaginal problems making. These are almost always treatable, provided that action is taken on time. Easily and effectively


Beware of:

Wash with soap - this can disrupt the acidity in your vagina and lead to more separation.

To wash with warm water.

Panty liners - some women just get more separation by wearing panty liners.

Wet toilet paper - this can also lead to more separation.



How To Deal With Regular Menstrual Cramps

Getting monthly period is an excellent way to cleanse your own personal uterus and also vaginal area naturally. On the other hand, quite a few women dislike their own monthly period because of the cramps. Cramp is considered the symptoms of regular period. This is often pretty painful and even uncomfortable for girls. Occasionally, you are not allowed to do the stuffs that you need to do because of cramps. What if you might have a significant appointment to attend to? Or perhaps if you are going to attend a jobs interview which will simply improve your life? Cramps might be so mean yet you can do something about it.


Here are some tips to help you with these issues:


1. Avoid salt, caffeine and also liquor in the times before your period. All these substances enhance the symptoms of cramps during PMS.


2. Refrain from consuming too much sugars. Most women say they desire sugar "chocolate in particular" throughout their periods. Sweets, that may elevate mood for a short period of time, at some point causes a wreck. Due to the fact you are dealing with naturally produced mood swings in this cycle anyway, adding glucose in your diet is not really a good option. Stay away from the glucose temptation.


3. Try to get regular exercise all 30 days long. Every week make an effort to fit in several THIRTY minute sessions of cardio exercise exercise. During your period, in case you are dealing with cramping, have a relaxing walk. The low impact exercise may help make your blood flowing and also take your mind out of your suffering whilst really assisting to increase the flow of o2 and also blood to your uterus.


4. Have lots of rest. Rest helps your entire body manage itself. This maintains your personal moods in check and can give your physique the rest it requires to overcome on the pain of cramping.


5. Take a Calcium supplement. Calcium is very important to girls each day of the month, within your period calcium helps you to reduce symptoms of water retention, cramps and even lower back pain. Some doctors also encourage taking Vitamin B-6 during menstruation.


6. As soon as pain happens, start using a heating pad or hot water container to be able to temporarily minimize it. Slight workout also can relieve pain from cramps, yet don't overdo it. Intense workout can certainly enhance the circulation of blood and increase the cramping.


7. Eat 6 smaller sized dishes daily rather than three big ones. This will maintain your blood glucose way up and your mood increased. Meals containing more Vitamin C such as citrus, green peppers, and even brussel sprouts helps to reduce the symptoms associated with PMS.


8. To minimize bloating, eat potassium rich meals such as bananas, cranberries and other fresh fruit.


9. Gulp enough water to remove salt as well as electrolytes out of your entire body and also to aid in reducing bloating.


10. Keep away from anxiety by simply lowering on the goals you set upon your self or maybe by consuming a healthy health supplement just like St. John's Wort. Additionally, consider flax seed capsules to supply the fundamental fat which maintain your mood increased.


Eventually, don't let your current period bring you down. Remaining busy and also making friends will allow you to maintain your mind out of your menstrual symptoms. Physically, your physique reacts well towards the company of friends and also loved ones, improving the level of oxytocin in the bloodstream that will help you feel better and maintain you in a considerably better mood.



Menggunakan Lantai parket kayu??? Perhatikan tips-tips yang berikut ini

Bila anda tertarik dengan tempat yang bernuansa etnik, silahkan coba memakai lantai kayu. Jika anda perhatikan, sifat kayu yang alami menimbulkan kesan hangat dan sejuk di tempat tinggal anda. Nuansa sejuk ketika musim kemarau, dan hangat ketika musim hujan. Mebel-mebel di tempat tinggal anda akan mudah dicocokkan dengan lantai kayu lantaran pada saat ini pilihan motif lantai kayu yang tersedia sangat beragam. Tapi harus diingat-ingat bahwasanya lantai kayu pun mempunyai kejelekan, kayu terlampau mudah menjadi korban rayap, selain itu perubahan musim pun dapat menjadikan kayu menjadi lapuk. Jikalau akhirnya anda memakai lantai kayu, jangan lupa untuk memberi perhatian lebih pada jenis kayu bersama dengan tips-tips pemeliharaannya. Pemeliharaan lantai kayu penting dilakukan secara rutin supaya warna lantai kayu tak pudar dan senantiasa menawan sampai bertahun-tahun.

Lantai parquet wajib memakai jenis kayu tertentu
Mebel-mebel tempat tinggal dari kayu wajib memenuhi ketentuan-ketentuan tertentu. Jenis-jenis kayu yang tahan terhadap perubahan cuaca dan tahan rayap adalah kayu yang tepat untuk digunakan sebagai mebel/furnitur rumah, beberapa diantaranya adalah kayu jati, damar laut, eboni, bangkirai, merbau. Perlu diperhatikan bahwasanya bahan rumah dari kayu wajib memakai kayu yang minim kadar air, lantaran kayu yang kadar airnya tinggi mudah susut, rengat, maupun mengembang. 

Luas dan tatanan ruangan wajib jadi acuan pertimbangan
Ketika memasang lantai kayu, anda wajib mempertimbangkan ukuran ruangan yang bakal dipakai. Semakin luas ruangannya, maka fondasi lantai perlu tambah kuat. Seterusnya jika jenis kayu yang dipakai karakternya lunak, bawahnya wajib dilapisi bahan lain terlebih dulu agar air dari permukaan tanah tak naik dan akhirnya menembus pori-pori kayu. Bila memakai jenis kayu yang padat seperti jati, cobalah untuk memakai paku atau perekat tertentu. Buatlah bentuk ruangan menjadi bahan pertimbangan anda ketika memasang parket kayu agar mudah menata mebel dan menjaga keselarasan ruangan. Parket kayu yang disusun vertikal paling serasi untuk model tempat memanjang, sedangkan model tempat melebar paling serasi dengan parket kayu yang disusun horisontal. Pemasangan lantai kayu pun perlu mempedulikan kerapiannya. Bila mau lantai parket anda senantiasa tahan lama dan nyaman, sebaiknya anda memastikan lantai parket tersusun dengan rata dan rapi. 

Lantai parket membutuhkan pemeliharaan secara teratur

Perawatan tertentu dibutuhkan supaya lantai kayu senantiasa indah. Jikalau anda akan mengepel lantai kayu, anda cukup hanya memakai sapu berbulu lembut atau vacuum cleaner. Ingat untuk tak mengepel lantai kayu dengan zat cair atau cairan pembersih lainnya, lantaran sifat kayu yang mudah menyerap air akan menyebabkan kayu mudah lapuk karena lembab. Lantai parket yang tertumpah air wajib segera dilap, karena lantai kayu hanya mampu membendung cairan di permukaan paling atas saja. Pindahkan furnitur anda janganlah dengan cara menggeser, karena itu akan melecetkan lantai kayu, pindahkan dengan cara menjinjingnya. Anehnya, meskipun lawan utama kayu ialah zat cair, pori-pori lantai kayu wajib senantiasa terpelihara humiditasnya, oleh karena itu lantai kayu sebaiknya dibersihkan dengan zat cair pelembab tertentu setiap 3 bulan sekali.. Pada perakitan lantai kayu, pada umumnya anda akan melihat bahwasanya pada setiap parket kayu tersedia seperti pengait yang berlapis formalin. Rayap tak senang dengan formalin, itulah tujuan pengait parket kayu disalut dengan formalin. Meskipun begitu, sama sekali tidak ada salahnya bila anda menyuntikkan anti rayap setiap 3 tahun sekali, dengan tujuan melindungi kekuatan lantai kayu anda.

Pada perakitan lantai, jasa tukang yang ahli amat dibutuhkan

Tukang  biasanya hanya asal memasang lantai kayu, mereka tidak mempertimbangkan aspek-aspek fundamental pada waktu perakitan lantai kayu. lantai kayu yang dirakit asal jadi malah menyebabkan nilai estetisnya tidak kelihatan. Lantai parket bernilai seni oleh karena itu tukang yang memasangnya mestilah teliti dan hati-hati. Tukang perlu mempertimbangkan berbagai aspek, harmonisasi pola serat, gradasi warna, dan susunan panjang parket kayu penting untuk menjadi acuan pertimbangan. Di tangan ahli, hasil perakitan lantai kayu dapat amat memuaskan. Kami siap menolong anda memasang lantai kayu dengan tujuan keindahan interior ruangan anda.