vaginal discharge | Normal or not ?

From the first period until the transition is every woman's vaginal secretions. This is a natural part of the cleaning mechanism of the body. You do therefore only have to worry if something changes in the quantity, color or smell of the discharge.


The vagina, or sheath, is a flat tube in which the walls are usually abut against each other. The vagina is about ten inches long and runs obliquely backward, toward the sacrum. And extends from the vulva, the vulva part, up to the cervix.


Coated with a layer

The vagina has no glandular tissue. The liquid that is present in the vagina, it seeps through the vaginal walls. The walls are covered with a whitish coating. This consists mainly of flaked vaginal cells, and bacteria which occur naturally in the vagina. The main inhabitants are called lactobacilli, which ensure that the environment in the vagina remains acid.



Not everyone has the same amount of discharge from the vagina. Normally, the separation liquid, transparent and whitish. When drying is usually a bit yellow. The separation smells often some acid, but can also be odorless.


The amount and color of vaginal secretions vary throughout the menstrual cycle. Around ovulation production usually increases and the liquid is clear and what slimier.

Also right before menstruation have more secretions, which are quite white in color. Sexual arousal provides extra moisture. Also during pregnancy may increase the amount of secretion, due to the changing hormones. The transition affects both the vagina, which is after the transition a bit dryer, and in the urinary tract. As a result, you are more susceptible to cystitis.


vaginal problems

A normal amount of discharge is not to give. Do you suddenly much more or much less discharge than normal? Or change the color or smell bad? Then you need to visit a doctor. You would then have a vaginal yeast infection or could have.


These vaginal symptoms are nothing to be ashamed of. Almost every woman has at least once in her life with vaginal problems making. These are almost always treatable, provided that action is taken on time. Easily and effectively


Beware of:

Wash with soap - this can disrupt the acidity in your vagina and lead to more separation.

To wash with warm water.

Panty liners - some women just get more separation by wearing panty liners.

Wet toilet paper - this can also lead to more separation.

